New Context

New Context

ボンズカジノ ボーナスコード KDDI Entered into a Basic Agreement on Strategic Alliance


ボンズカジノ ボーナスコード, Inc. (TSE first section: 4819; HQ: Tokyo; Representative Director, President Executive Officer and Group CEO: Kaoru Hayashi; DG) and KDDI CORPORATION (TSE first section: 9433; HQ: Tokyo; President, Representative Director: Makoto Takahashi; KDDI) concluded a basic agreement to promote a strategic alliance to create new businesses in the 5G era.

For the reason above, KDDI will participate in the DG Lab (, an open innovation R&ボンズカジノ ボーナスコードrganization. At this time, KDDI also acquired a portion of the shares (16.63% of the outstanding shares; 35,016,000 shares) issued by, Inc. (TSE first section: 2371; HQ: Tokyo; President and Representative Director: Shonosuke Hata) and entered into a capital and business alliance agreement on August 2, 2018.

DG Lab is an open innovation R&ボンズカジノ ボーナスコードrganization that focuses on Blockchain, AI, VR/AR, Security, and BioHealth, and aims to create next-generation Internet businesses.

In addition to KDDI’s participation as a DG Lab’s core partner, DG and KDDI will leverage the assets of two groups to create new businesses in a wide range of fields in anticipation of the 5G era.
