New Context

New Context

Initiatives on the Environment


Climate change・Environment

Information Disclosure based on the recommendations of TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure)

The Company recognizes that climate change, which will significantly impact the earth, human beings, and corporate activities, poses risks and new business opportunities for ボンズカジノ スロットroup.
Based on the TCFD framework, the Company discloses its “Governance,” “Strategy,” “Risk Management,” and “Metrics ボンズカジノ スロットargets” as follows.
ボンズカジノ スロットroup will work with its business segments, investees, and strategic partners to achieve a sustainable society by appropriately addressing climate change.

1. Governance

To fulfill its social responsibility and achieve a sustainable society, the Company regularly reports to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors on the sustainability initiatives of each Group company. The Board of Directors oversees ボンズカジノ スロットroup’s sustainability initiatives, including its response to climate change.

2. Strategy

We have analyzed the future changes in society ボンズカジノ スロットheir impact on our Group through 2050 according to two scenarios: the 1.5/2°C scenario, in which progress is made in the transformation toward decarbonization, ボンズカジノ スロットhe 4°C scenario, in which climate change measures are not implemented, and have identified the main opportunities and risks.

(1) Perception of Opportunities

1. Payment business

Increased demand for cashless and paperless payment services with low environmental impact, etc.

2. Marketing business

Increased demand for advertising to environmentally conscious consumers using the latest technology, etc.

3. Investment business

Expanding investment in startup companies that promote decarbonization through the “Earthshot Fund”

(2) Perception of Risks
  1. Transition risks
    ・ Increased power costs in data centers and offices due to the introduction of carbon pricing
    ・ Increased costs of installing energy-efficient equipment, etc., if ボンズカジノ スロットovernment sets higher energy efficiency targets.
  2. Physical risks
    ・ If data centers and office buildings are damaged, business activities will be affected by the destruction of buildings, communication failures, and others, resulting in reduced revenues and increased repair costs, etc.
    ・ If chronic temperature rises continue, increased operating costs for offices, data centers, etc.

3. Risk Management

Physical and transition risks related to climate change that ボンズカジノ スロットroup should be aware of are evaluated and identified based on the results of periodic analyses conducted under TCFD recommendations and are used in both the formulation and implementation of ボンズカジノ スロットroup’s overall strategy.

4. Metrics ボンズカジノ スロットargets

Our Group is committed to achieving carbon neutrality across the entire value chain by fiscal year 2050. As an interim target, we have set a goal to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50% by fiscal year 2030, compared to fiscal year 2021 (ending in March 2022). We will continue to promote energy-saving initiatives ボンズカジノ スロットhe adoption of renewable energy, aiming to further reduce our GHG emissions.

※Please refer to our Sustainability Data for the details of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, etc. in ボンズカジノ スロットroup

Initiatives taken by ボンズカジノ スロットroup

Incubate startups which promote decarbonization by utilizing investments through our Earthshot Fund.

ボンズカジノ スロットroup established the Open Network Lab & ESG I “Earthshot Fund” for startups in the Sustainability field in 2021. The Fund has a mission to accelerate a social implementation of “New Context” for a sustainable society through building ecosystems with seed and early-stage startups for the next generation that Open Network Lab, a seed accelerator program, has supported. This Fund has been investing in startups taking Sustainability initiatives such as promotion of decarbonization as well as strengthening Environmental Social and Governance initiatives in the organization of the investees.


Initiatives on Governance

Sustainability Data

Data on our sustainability achievements.