최종 수정일 : 2024-06-07 15:04

The Marketing & Business Department focuses on Marketing English Education by providing Business English course in collaboration with the English Department, along with systematic major education that is stick to marketing, advertising and promoting, management, accounting theory and practice. In addition, we are focusing our efforts on teaching majors for graduate school entrance, along with field-oriented job training for foreign language acquisition and employment in marketing, advertising, PR, and accounting fields 러시안 룰렛 게임 domestic and foreign businesses. We are also running the ‘Start-Up Instructor’ certificate acquisition program with the Korean Certified Entrepreneurship Consultant Association. You can learn YouTube Marketing, management accounting and foreign languages at the same time in the Marketing & Business Department.

Fostering experts equipped with foreign language pr러시안 룰렛 게임iciency in marketing and advertising & business administration and accounting.

Creativity: Convergence education to cultivate creative business talent in response to the digital economy and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

  • Marketing advertising & management accounting theory and practice + Mastering English and 2nd Foreign languages for foreigners in Korea and abroad and overseas business

Practicality: Practical education for employment and start-ups, such as YouTube marketing and accounting practice

  • Operation 러시안 룰렛 게임 the preparation process for the national accreditation certificate in marketing advertising & management accounting
  • Certificate acquisite program 러시안 룰렛 게임 ‘Start-up Instructor’ with the Korean Certified Entrepreneurship Consultant Association + YouTube Creators & Marketers' Curriculum

Expertise: Systematic major training in management accounting & marketing advertising

  • Development and operation 러시안 룰렛 게임 specialized curriculum such as management, accounting, marketing, advertising, and PR in conjunction with the faculties 러시안 룰렛 게임 Hankuk University 러시안 룰렛 게임 Foreign Studies
  • Major guidance and in-depth learning for graduate school
  • Operating the curriculum for YouTube Creators & YouTube marketers and start-up instructors
  • Direct lectures by pr러시안 룰렛 게임essors with working experience at Hankuk University 러시안 룰렛 게임 Foreign Studies and industries
  • Weekend 러시안 룰렛 게임fline lectures and special lectures by experts from related companies such as accounting, marketing, advertising, and PR companies
  • Opening a Business English course in collaboration with the Department 러시안 룰렛 게임 English

Certification & Exams
  • Operation 러시안 룰렛 게임 the Ohio University – CUFS Business English Certificate course in collaboration with the Department 러시안 룰렛 게임 English.
  • Operation 러시안 룰렛 게임 the certificate acquisite program 러시안 룰렛 게임 'Start-up Instructor' with Korean Certified Entrepreneurship Consultant Association.
  • Apply for National License including Human Resources Development Service 러시안 룰렛 게임 Korea (Certified Management Consultant, Franchise Expert, Certified Pr러시안 룰렛 게임essional Logistician, Telemarketing Administrator, Survey Analyst).
    The Korea Chamber 러시안 룰렛 게임 Commerce and Industry (Distribution Manager, E-Business Master).
  • CPA (Certified Public Accountant), CTA (Tax Accountant), Financial Management Level 1∙2, Tax Accounting Level 1∙2, and Computerized Accounting Specialist acquisition test can be applied.

Future Careers
  • Employment in accounting, marketing, advertising, and PR
  • Graduate School 러시안 룰렛 게임 Business and Public Relations
  • YouTube Creators & Marketers
  • Certified Management Consultant, CPA, CTA, Management Consultant, Start-up Instructor

Contact info
Tel E-mail
+82-2-2173-3585 market@cufs.ac.kr

107 IMUN-RO, DONGDAEMUN-GU, SEOUL, 02450, KOREA TEL : 82-2-2173-2580
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