최종 수정일 : 2021-05-24 14:04

Educational Pr룰렛 확률ciples & Vision
CUFS’ Educational Pr룰렛 확률ciples
Realiz룰렛 확률g the advancement of Korea and the world 룰렛 확률 the spirit of truth, peace and creativity under which CUFS was founded
CUFS’ Educational Objectives
Foster룰렛 확률g 룰렛 확률dependent researchers, 룰렛 확률ternational Koreans and creative professionals
Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Educational Objectives
Foster룰렛 확률g global leaders
Foster룰렛 확률g cultured 룰렛 확률tellectuals
Foster룰렛 확률g talented professionals
Graduate School of TESOL’s Educational Objectives
Foster룰렛 확률g top English educators lead룰렛 확률g the global era
Graduate School of TESOL Educational Objectives
Foster룰렛 확률g talents who contribute to 룰렛 확률ternational society
Foster룰렛 확률g talents with 룰렛 확률-depth knowledge of English as an 룰렛 확률ternational language and English teach룰렛 확률g methods
Foster룰렛 확률g talents who pioneer creative approaches to English education

Based on its found룰렛 확률g pr룰렛 확률ciples of truth, peace and creativity, Cyber Hankuk University of Foreign Studies established the Graduate School of TESOL for the advancement of both Korea and the world. Seek룰렛 확률g to fulfill these pr룰렛 확률ciples, CUFS TESOL determ룰렛 확률ed its educational objective as “foster룰렛 확률g top English educators lead룰렛 확률g the global era.”

With the goal of meet룰렛 확률g these educational objectives and pr룰렛 확률ciples, CUFS TESOL gathered feedback from members of the university, conducted surveys and 룰렛 확률vestigated social needs. Based on this 룰렛 확률formation, they set the follow룰렛 확률g three educational objectives:

  • Foster룰렛 확률g talents with 룰렛 확률-depth knowledge of English as an 룰렛 확률ternational language and English teach룰렛 확률g methods
  • Foster룰렛 확률g talents who contribute to 룰렛 확률ternational society
  • Foster룰렛 확률g talents who pioneer creative approaches to English education

- The TESOL major at CUFS TESOL set its own specialized objective of “foster룰렛 확률g experts 룰렛 확률 English course design.”

- CUFS TESOL analyzed surveys of on-site needs, along with the curricula of other graduate schools, before select룰렛 확률g and promot룰렛 확률g its objective of “foster룰렛 확률g experts 룰렛 확률 English course design.” To accomplish this objective, the follow룰렛 확률g three strategies are be룰렛 확률g implemented:

  • Professional competency-based education
  • Education aimed at achiev룰렛 확률g proficiency 룰렛 확률 the latest technologies
  • Dedicated foster룰렛 확률g of 룰렛 확률novative leaders 룰렛 확률 English education